Brief History
History of Veracruz Begins long before the 21st of April of 1519, however on this date the Spanish sailing vessel today known as San Juan Ulua and the next day which was holy Friday they named the site “La Vera Cruz” (The True Cross) for it’s exuberant vegetation and variety of birds and fertile soil. Hernan Cortez, arriving later, abandoned the site sailing north on his navigational vessel discovering beaches located near Quiahuixtlan, forming the first physical port of entry called “la Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz”, (the Rich Village of The True Cross) a place where Cortez is received with hospitality as “El Cacique Gordo” (the Fat Landlord) from the indigenous Totonaca chief Chicomeatl. There they established a strategic alliance with all the surrounding cities who were allied with the Aztecs. In 1524, in search of better conditions for the management of goods the, la Villa Rica transformed into what is know today as “La Antigua” (The Ancient One) near the banks of the river Huitzilapan.
Tourist Information
The port of Veracruz is located 402 Kilometers from Mexico City connected by an excellent federal highway. Connecting cities are Puebla, Cordoba and then Veracruz. One can take a detour 40 kilometers north to the capital city of the state of Veracruz called Xalapa (Halapa). Buss services are daily and almost every hour from Mexico City to the Port of Veracruz. The busses are also quite nice and more comfortable the those in the US. Major buss lines are (in order of quality) UNO, ADO GL and ADO. Prces range from 30,cuenta
International flights to Mexico City are less expensive than to Veracruz, but also flights from the US to Veracruz are available through Delta with connections in Mexico City with a Delta AREOMEXICO.
Air MEXICANA has connecting flights from Houston and other major cities in the US.
Conteinental and American also service Veracruz
The tourism infrastructure offered throughout Veracruz is extensive with world class hotels, international chains, restaurants, and a newly remodeled boardwalk. Also you will find an very nice aquarium, town square with colonnades, many markets and street venders with arts and crafts not only from Veracruz but other southern states near by. Veracruz is alive with people and has an intense night life filled with tourism and adventure. And if you need a taste of home there is also a full scale mall complete with McDonalds and Wal-Mart. We are sure once visited Veracruz will become one of your favorite destinations.
En Veracruz Adventures we make it our goal that every visitor that gives us the opportunity to serve them, will be left with the best impression of Veracruz and will have a real excuse to return. We will help you rediscover Veracruz as the first men and women of the old world did arriving on Spanish vessels, marveling at the natural beauty and wonder that is only experienced here… Veracruz.
Receive a warm welcome from all your friends at Veracruz Adventures.
Martín F. Gómez.